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Soul--the Intelligent, Emotional Core Inside of Our Self

Death and Dying

I started to write about death and dying shortly after my first husband died. I didn't know what to do with all of the sadness I had, so I poured out my heart on page after page for days and weeks and months and years. I didn't know it would take so long to find my way through grief, and when I was done, I wanted to share what I learned. These books are a compilation of my journey over the years. The main book, Dancing with Death is essentially a memoir. The companion books allow the reader to explore the season of grieving a little bit further.


Brokenness became this new word for me to explore after my brother had a car accident that forced him into a wheel chair and pushed him to take his own life. I didn't know what a mess he was, what a mess our family was, and how much I needed to cry until I tried to connect with him living his life in a chair. It was hard enough for us to talk on the rare occasions that we found ourselves together, but now, we had this handicapped thing in our way, and this thing we called family took on a new name.

Butterflies Pause

Debbie Richard

Author and Founder

Inspirational Books

Butterflies Pause, I said to myself one day. They go really fast and then stop for a moment and fold up their wings. contemplate, I think, and breathe.

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