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My Road to Solace

A Path to Spiritual Wholeness

When I was a kid and well into my teenage years, I was full of hope, in spite of the turmoil I lived with at home. I believed in a Christian God Who would one day take me to heaven with Him somewhere up in the sky, and this unbridled hope grounded me until I met and married my husband who died and left me alone seven years later. Hope became this nebulous thing after that. God wasn’t God anymore. My world was upside down and inside out. I was walking a road in my life that was dark, trying to find my way back to some semblance of solace. And then, in the midst of this storm, I wrote a poem that had me mystified for years while I danced with death during my grieving process. This poem is the essence of My Road to Solace, a companion book of my memoir called Dancing with Death.

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Butterflies Pause

Debbie Richard

Author and Founder

Inspirational Books

Butterflies Pause, I said to myself one day. They go really fast and then stop for a moment and fold up their wings. contemplate, I think, and breathe.

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