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Prosperity --- An Ongoing State of Success Touching Every Area of Life

I have been a volunteer business coach for start-up and development companies since I retired almost six years ago. I am a CPA with my Masters in Finance, a former Chief Financial Officer and Compliance Officer, and a certified Business Consultant for the Colorado Small Business Development Center (SBDC) funded by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA). I spent most of my career working in the venture capital and private equity industries, and I had my own small business for nearly 10 years. I love small business, and I love seeing a small business grow into a very successful company.

So---that's why I want to share with you three simple handbooks I am using with clients, who are either starting a business, or are struggling with cashflow management in a business that is already up and running. If you are an entrepreneur looking for this kind of help right now, then please, pause for a moment and take a quick peek. You might be able to help yourself with a little bit of coaching from me.

Click on a book to learn more or order on-line.

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Butterflies Pause

Debbie Richard

Author and Founder

Inspirational Books

Butterflies Pause, I said to myself one day. They go really fast and then stop for a moment and fold up their wings. contemplate, I think, and breathe.

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