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Dancing with Death

The Healing Power of Dreams

This is a story about losing somebody you love and thinking too small, falling apart and not standing tall, walking a road and feeling alone, and living your life in a world of nothing at all. A young man gets sick and eventually dies, and a young woman walks with him for a really long time in a nebulous zone where spirits of dead people roam and nothing makes sense any more. But it’s much more than just a story. It’s a handbook—a ready reference guide for suffering and grief that you can refer to over and over again because no matter how hard you try or how smart you are, healing from hurt takes a long time, and you will need help as you go.

Also--be sure to take a look at the two companion books: My Road to Solace and Feel the Feelings.

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Butterflies Pause

Debbie Richard

Author and Founder

Inspirational Books

Butterflies Pause, I said to myself one day. They go really fast and then stop for a moment and fold up their wings. contemplate, I think, and breathe.

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